Thursday, March 15, 2012

Cthulhu Mourns

Today is the 75th anniversary of H.P. Lovecraft's death. Those who know me are well aware of my love of his weird tales. I even named one of my damn cats after him. His works have stuck with me through the years, ever since I first discovered his writing in my teens. To me, his talent is unmatched. Some people like to complain about his style and characterizations but it is what it is. No one can deny his immense imagination. His work has influenced so many other artists, whether it be authors, filmmakers, painters, sculptors, musicians, etc. His presence can still be felt in today's world, throughout all forms of media. So, today, we celebrate the man who has made such a huge impact in the weird/science fiction/horror fields.

R.I.P. Howard Phillips Lovecraft.

Please share your thoughts and what Lovecraft means to you in the comments section below.

Here's a link to the original obituary. I think it's pretty neat to see this little piece of history:

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Strange Things Afoot

Things are moving pretty fast for me right now. So many things are going on that I can't really take time to step back and assess all of the things happening around me. I'm currently on vacation but have yet to really relax. I recently submitted my first piece of fiction for publication ever and got accepted. I've been using this high to push me to increase my writing output. So far, I've been fairly successful (though I'd like to write even more than I am currently doing). I'm still working six days a week which makes it hard to write as much as I'd like to. But I'm trying. I'd say my average daily output is around 500 words. This is not nearly enough to satisfy me but it's better than my previous output of around 500 words every six months or so. Having my new laptop has been a big help. I typically can bang out a couple hundred words at work while on breaks or lunch.

This morning has been pretty lazy so far. I played online for a bit, got a little writing in while blasting my usual eclectic mix of music, ate some Lucky Charms. All this and still Angel is sleeping on the bed next to me while I'm clicking away on the laptop's keys. We still have a lot of things to get done today once she decides to get up. She just got a new vehicle, a Chevy Equinox, yesterday and there's still a few things to square away with that today. Plus lots of cleaning and reorganizing needs to get done this week and I'd like to accomplish some of that today.

 Even though this morning would seem to be pretty relaxing by normal standards one has to take into account that last night I got into another confrontation with my increasingly hard-to-deal-with mother. This situation is weighing heavily on me. I don't know what to do. I tried to smooth things over even though she was the one who flew off the handle and is holding a grudge over something insubstantial. I went to her when she should have been the one to come to me and apologize. Apparently that was a bad idea. She has too much selfish pride and is completely incapable of getting off her high-horse. I've pretty much written her off. If she wants to swallow her pride and contact me then, well, we'll see. For now, I'm just going to concentrate on work, writing, and my new family (Angel and her two boys).

At least this weekend I have Monster Mania to look forward to in New Jersey. I'll get to hang out with some of my best friends who I don't get to see nearly enough, meet some awesome horror icons, and, hopefully, relax for a bit and forget the ongoing bullshit with my mom. Until then, I plan to get lots of cleaning, and lots of work on the six short stories I've currently got in the works, done.